Friday, September 5, 2008

Time to contact our teachers in Chile

Okay... we are at the end of our time in our technology workshop. Now, we need to synthesize what we've learned, apply it and get ready to move on to our Bilingualism and Biliteracy Seminar. What we learned from the Windschutl article that we read is that WHAT TEACHERS BELIEVE determines how much and the ways that they use technology. Simply having laptop computers does not bring about changes necessarily. (Sorry--Technophiles!)

So.... what we need to discover about the teachers who we have arranged to communicate with in Chile is what their beliefs are. Here is what I want you to do: Ask your teacher(s) the following questions. Then, create a new posting on your blog in which you summarize their responses (without their last names). This will give us some information about how open they might REALLY be to technological innovations.

1. What role do you think technology does take/can take in learning? (You are looking to know if they are a technophile, technophobe, instrumentalist, take a critical approach...)
2. What role should the learner take in the classroom?
3. What role should the teacher take in the classroom? (Both of these questions will help you determine if your teachers are teacher-centered or open to learned-centered learning...)
4. What does good teaching look like?

Okay... go out there and connect with your teachers!

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